B. Laszkiewicz, K. Ziêtak, Numerical experiments with algorithms for the ADI and Zolotarev coefficients, Applied Mathematics and Computation 206 (2008), 298-312. In the paper we present numerical experiments comparing the algorithms for computing the ADI and Zolotarev coefficients which involve Jacobi elliptic functions and the complete elliptic integral. We show that in some cases the algorithms, which use the standard MATLAB functions for computing the Jacobi elliptic functions and the complete elliptic integral, are less accurate than the algorithm of Zietak, which can be applied when the number of coefficients is a power of 2. The algorithm of Zietak is also competetive with the algorithms of Wachspress and Kennedy. Key words: Zolotarev problem, alternating direction implicit method, Chebyshev rational approximation, Jacobi elliptic functions, complete elliptic integral