Anna Bartkowiak, Krystyna Zietak, "Correcting possible non-positiveness of a covariance matrix estimated elementwise in a robust way" When estimating the elements of a covariance or cross-product matrix elementwise we may obtain a negative definite matrix S which will not be suitable for some statistical analyses. To amend this deficiency we propose an approach based on recent results of Cheng and Higham (1998). Their result permits to construct a correction yielding positive definite and reasonably well-conditioned matrix. The procedure is illustrated by a benchmark data set containing outliers: namely the bushfire data, known to contain masked outliers. We estimate the covariance matrix for the data elementwise by a simple robust procedure described by Gnanadesikan and Ketttenring (1972), which yields in that case negative definite covariance matrix. The Cheng-Higham correction applied to the obtained matrix permits to obtain positive definite covariance and correlation matrices, suitable for evaluating Mahalanobis distances, which in turn permits to reveal also the masked outliers. Keywords: knowledge discovery, identification of outliers, masking effect, Mahalanobis distance