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Morris Probabilistic Counter

Published by Robert Morris from Bell Laboratories in Counting Large Numbers of Events in Small Registers in Communications of the ACM vol. 21, 10 (1977), 840–842.



INCREMENT: If (random() <= 2-C) C = C + 1

In words: when incrementing the value C, "flip a coin" C times. If you get "Heads" each time, then increment C. Otherwise, do nothing.

Code in Scala

class MC() {
  var C = 1;
  val r = scala.util.Random
  def Inc() : Unit = {
    if (r.nextDouble < math.pow(2,-C)) C = C + 1
  def getC():Int = {C} 
  def getE():Double = {math.pow(2,C) - 2.0}


   Let $C_n$ be the value stored in Morris Counter after $n$ increments. Then

$$ \mathrm{E}[2^{C_n}] = n+2 \quad and \quad \mathrm{var}(2^{C_n}) = \frac12 n(n+1) ~. $$

From this theorem we deduce that the random variable $R = 2^{C_n}-2$ is an unbiased estimator of the number $n$.


It is clear that $2^{C_0} = 2$. Next we have $$ \begin{gather*} E[2^{C_{n+1}}] = \sum_k 2^k \Pr[C_{n+1}=k] = \\ \sum_k 2^k \Pr[C_{n+1}=k|C_n=k]\Pr[C_n=k] + \sum_k 2^k \Pr[C_{n+1}=k|C_n=k-1]\Pr[C_n=k-1] = \\ \sum_k 2^k \left(1- \left(\frac12\right)^k\right) \Pr[C_n=k] + \sum_k 2^k \left(\frac12\right)^{k-1}\Pr[C_n=k-1] = \\ (E[2^{C_n}] - 1) + 2\cdot 1 = E[2^{C_n}]+1~. \end{gather*} $$ Therefore $E[2^{C_n}] = n+2$.

The computation of the variance is slightly longer. First we compute $E[(2^{C_{n+1}})^2]$: $$ \begin{gather*} E[4^{C_{n+1}}] = \sum_k 4^k \Pr[C_{n+1}=k] = \\ \sum_k 4^k \Pr[C_{n+1}=k|C_n=k]\Pr[C_n=k] + \sum_k 4^k \Pr[C_{n+1}=k|C_n=k-1]\Pr[C_n=k-1] = \\ \sum_k 4^k \left(1- \left(\frac12\right)^k\right) \Pr[C_n=k] + \sum_k 4^k \left(\frac12\right)^{k-1}\Pr[C_n=k-1] = \\ (E[4^{C_n}] - E[2^{C_n}]) + 4\cdot E[2^{C_n}]) = E[4^{C_n}]+ 3 E[2^{C_n}] = \\ E[4^{C_n}]+ 3(n+2)~. \end{gather*} $$ From this we easilly get $E[4^{C_n}] = \frac{1}{2}(3 n^2+9 n+8)$, so $var(2^{C_n}) = E[4^{C_n}] - (E[2^{C_n}])^2 = \frac12 n(n+1)$.


P. Flajolet in paper Approximate Counting: A Detailed Analysis (BIT 25, (1985), 113-134) showed that $$ E[C_n] = \log_2(n) - c + \omega(\log_2(n)) + O(n^{-0.98}) $$ for some constant $c\approx 0.273954$ and $\omega$ is a periodic function with period $1$ such that $|\omega(x)|\lt 10^{-5}$ for each $x$.