Braid Chain Radio Communication Jacek Cichon, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Kamil Wolny Wroclaw Universoty of Technology We consider data transmission in a wireless multi-hop network, where node failures may occur and it is risky to send over a single path. As the stations may transmit at the same time, we apply the Cai-Lu-Wang collision avoidance scheme. We assume that the nodes know only their neighbors and there is no global coordination. The routing strategy is to transmits to all nodes that are in some sense closer to the destination node. We analyze propagation strategy for the case that the nodes know only the nodes in their propagation range and there is no global coordination of the network. Instead, a node transmits to all nodes that appear in some sense closer to the destination node. We investigate data propagation speed in such networks, namely the delay due to conflict resolution. In order to understand the phenomena arising there we focus on a fundamental case called a braid chain. We prove that for a braid chain of n layers the normalized delay due to anti-collision mechanism is about 0.28n times Delta (while the expected time for a chain of single stations is 0.5n*Delta), where DElta stands for the time interval length of Cai-Lu-Wang scheme. We also show that the behavior of the braid chain rapidly converges to its stationary distribution with the length of the chain. For these results we develop analytical methods that can be applied for other networks, e.g. for the case when the forwarding delays are chosen with exponential distribution. presented at ALGOSENSORS 2017 published in LNCS