The Last Line of Defence in Case of Signing Key Compromise Przemyslaw Blaskiewicz, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Marcin Slowik Wroclaw University of Science and Technology The standard approach for electronic signatures and seals is that Secure Signature Creation Devices are responsible for confidentiality of secret keys and remain under sole control of their owner. The eIDAS Regulation of EU follows this approach. However, once the private key gets compromised (e.g. by a faulty design of the signing device or powerful cryptanalysis of the public key), then the signature model becomes a deadly trap. We address this problem by creating a second line of defence -- when the signing key gets compromized we can still fish out the signatures created by a signature device. The proposed approach of signature-in-signature can be implemented in the standard Schnorr signature and can remain hidden until the examination of signatures after the signing key compromise. Keywords: eIDAS, advanced electronic signature, electronic seal, SSCD, Schnorr signature, key compromise, forgery Publication: ESORICS'2021 (poster track)