Stand-by Attacks on E-ID Password Authentication Lucjan Hanzlik, Przemyslaw Kubiak, Miroslaw Kutylowski Wroclaw University of Technology We show that despite the cryptographic strength of the password authentication, we cannot exclude an attack by a passive adversary that manipulates neither the reader nor the microcontroller of the identity document, he only penetrates the device at some moment in a hidden way. So even the most careful examination and certification of the smart cards and the readers cannot prevent attacks of this kind. We present concrete attack scenarios for PACE-GM, PACE-IM and SPEKE protocols. We show that the weaknesses can be easily and effectively eluded via changing a few implementation details on the side of a reader. Our second contribution is that immunity against the attacks can be tested by the operator of the reader, thus replacing costly and unreliable certification process of black box devices. Keywords: massive surveillance, temporary penetration attack, privacy, tracing, wireless communication, personal identity card, password authentication, PACE, SPEKE, verifiability, certification INSCRYPT'2014