Lightweight Protocol for Trusted Spontaneous Communication P. Blaskiewicz, M. Klonowski, M.Kutylowski, P. Syga Wroclaw University of Technology We present a communication protocol with encryption, suitable for extremely weak devices, which communicate only by sending unmodulated, on/off signals (beeping). We assume severely constrained model with no coordination or synchronization between devices, and no mechanism for message reception acknowledgement. Under these assumptions, we present a way to handle the problem of transmissions interference (collisions) and providing message secrecy at the same time. In order to achieve our goals in such limited communication channel, we use special encoding and combine encryption procedure with the communication layer of the protocol. This is different from the state-of-the-art-today, where an encrypted channel is built in the highest level of the communication protocol after assigning the radio channel to one of the sender devices. We present a real-life motivations for the proposed approach as well as rigid correctness and security analysis. INTRUST 2014