A Formal Concept of Domain Pseudonymous Signatures Kamil Kluczniak, Lucjan Hanzlik, Miroslaw Kutylowski Politechnika Wroclawska We present a formal model for domain pseudonymous signatures -- in particular providing a simple and strong concept and comprehensive formalization of unlinkability, which is the key property of domain pseudonymous signatures. Following the approach deployed for German personal identity cards, we consider domains that have to be registered and require a particular form of domain specifications. We introduce and formalize the deanonymization procedures that have to be implemented as one of the crucial functionalities in many application areas of domain signatures. Finally, we present two constructions that correspond to this model. Keywords: domain pseudonymous signature, unlinkability, deanonymization, formal model Accepted for ISPEC 2016 to appear in LNCS, Springer-Verlag