Anonymous Evaluation System Lucjan Hanzlik, Kamil Kluczniak, Przemyslaw Kubiak, Miroslaw Kutylowski Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology Wroclaw University of Technology We present a pragmatic evaluation system, where privacy of each evaluator is guaranteed in a cryptographic way. Each evaluation report is signed with a domain signature that is related to the anonymous signer and to the evaluation subject in the way that (a) a given user cannot appear under different pseudonym for a given evaluation subject (no Sybil attack possible), (b) it is infeasible to decide whether the signatures for different subjects have been created by the same evaluator, (c) each evaluator holds a single private key. Unlike available anonymous credential systems and domain signatures proposed so far, our scheme is based on standard operations available on most cryptographic smart cards and easy to implement in the scenarios where the set of evaluators is determined. We describe one application scenario -- a university evaluation system with courses feedback from the students. KEYWORDS: anonymity, authentication, domain specific pseudonym, digital signature, unlinkability, white list ACCEPTED FOR: 9th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS) 2015, New York