RFID Electronic Visa with Personalized Verification Przemyslaw Blaskiewicz, Jacek Cichon, Miroslaw Kutylowski and Krzysztof Majcher Wroclaw University of Technology The paper presents a new approach for systems with electronic identification documents equipped with simple RFID tags. We assume that document verification is performed offline, but the number of document verifiers as well as the number of documents is controlled by the document issuer. The primary application in mind are visas on a paper sticker with an RFID circuit. We also aim to provide simple solutions based on paper stickers with simple RFID for club cards, customer ID cards, public transportation multi-usage tickets, soccer game tickets, etc.. With this application in mind, we consider a model in which a document verifier might leak all verification information to a third party. This MUST NOT lead to possibility of forging RFID identification documents. Moreover, verification process should support privacy and provide no transferable proof of presence of a given person at a given place and time. Designing a system with such properties is possible with asymmetric cryptography implemented by identity documents. We present a lightweight solution, such that the document is hard to clone without physical access, verification can be performed by entitled agents only and without online contact to a central database. Nevertheless, hardware requirements for RFID circuit are relatively low. paper accepted for RFIDsec Asia 2011, Wuxi supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project N N206 369839, and by Foundation for Polish Science, ``Mistrz'' Programme