Efficient and robust data aggregation using untrusted infrastructure Marek Klonowski, Michal Koza, Miroslaw Kutylowski Wroclaw University of Technology We present two protocols for data aggregation in networks consisting of many subsystems run by different and potentially adversarial parties. In such a case the messages from the nodes of a subnetwork are aggregated and transmitted to the sink over intermediate nodes which are not controlled by the subnetwork, and which potentially are influenced by an adversary. The adversary aims at changing the result of computations and/or learning the data processed by the stations of the subnetwork. We develop and formally analyze two protocols that enable to detect adversarial manipulations without sacrificing efficiency of the data aggregation. Our scheme is not protected from adversary attaining to destroy communication. However, any manipulation is detected w.h.p. One of the protocols supports multi-route processing without double counting effects, tolerates failures of intermediate nodes and lack of synchronization. The second one is very efficient in terms of communication volume and computational complexity. Both protocols provide very high level of data confidentiality and protection against different kinds of threats. presented at SIN'2013, published by ACM