Optimizing Segment Based Document Protection Maciej Gebala and Miroslaw Kutylowski Wroclaw University of Technology We consider documents with restricted access rights, where segments of the document are encrypted in order to prevent unauthorized reading. The access rights to such a document are described by a directed acyclic graph; each node describing a different access rights level. It is assumed that a user having the rights corresponding to a node v has also all rights corresponding to all nodes w such that there is a directed path from v to w in the dag. Then, to each node v we assign a key K_v and use this key to encrypt the segment of the document corresponding to the access level v. Additional data describing the access structure and necessary auxiliary information can be easily incorporated in a XML-based encoding (such as CEBX format for web publishing). The underlying key management scheme should ensure that a user gets a single key corresponding to his access level v and can derive all keys K_w for w=v or w being an ancestor of v. In this paper we minimize the size of auxiliary keying information stored in the XML-structure for tree and sequential key derivation schemes.