Towards Fair Leader Election in Wireless Networks Zbigniew Golebiewski, Marek Klonowski, Michal Koza, Miroslaw Kutylowski Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Wroclaw University of Technology In this paper we consider a leader election problem in ad-hoc single hop radio network with an adversary. The aim of the adversary is to be chosen a leader. In many scenarios it can be a staring point for performing other attacks and taking control over the whole network. In our paper we show that in typical and well-known algorithms it is not possible to avoid this danger i.e. the adversary can always use such strategy that the node under its control becomes a leader with high probability. This attack is efficient even if the adversary controls very small number of nodes. Moreover, we show that it is not possible in practice even to detect such malicious behaviour. Our second contribution is a new leader election algorithm that provides to some extent immunity against this types of attack. We consider several realistic network models and we design appropriate methods for each of them. We also show that in some scenarios it is not possible to keep the adversary from becoming the leader. AD HOC NOW'2009, LNCS