Energy-Efficient Size Approximation of Radio Networks with no Collision Detection Tomasz Jurdzinski, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Jan Zatopianski Algorithms for radio networks are studied in two scenarios: (a) the number of active stations is known (or approximately known) (b) the number of active stations is unknown. In the second (more realistic) case it is much harder to design efficient algorithms. For this reason, we design an efficient randomized algorithm for a single-hop radio network that approximately counts the number of its active stations. With probability higher than 1-1/n, this approximation is within a constant factor, the algorithm runs in poly-logarithmic time and its energy cost is o(loglog n). This improves the previous O(log n) bound for energy. In particular, our algorithm can be applied to improve energy cost of known leader election and initialization protocols (without loss of time efficiency).