Correction Networks M. Kik, M. Kutylowski and M. Piotrow We consider the problem of sorting sequences obtained from a sorted sequence of n keys by changing the values of at most k keys at some unknown positions. Since even for k=1 a lower bound Omega(log n) on the number of parallel comparison steps applies, any comparator network solving this problem cannot be asymptotically faster than the AKS sorting network. We design a comparator network which sorts the sequences considered for a large range of k's, has a simple architecture and achieves a runtime c log n, for a small constant c. We present such networks of depth 4 log n+O( log^2 k log log n) with a small constant hidden behind the big ``Oh''. In particular, for k=o(2^(sqrt(log n/ log log n))) the networks are of depth 4 log n+o( log n).