Provable Unlinkability Against Traffic Analysis already after O(log(n)) steps! Marcin Gomulkiewicz, Marek Klonowski, Miroslaw Kutylowski We consider unlinkability of communication problem: given m users, each sending a message to some destination, encode and route the messages so that an adversary analyzing the traffic in the communication network cannot link the senders with the recipients. A solution should have a small communication overhead, that is, the number of additional messages should be kept low. We consider security of the onion protocol against traffic analysis. It turns out that one source of difficulties is too strong adversary model. In a recent work, Berman, Fiat and Ta-Shma develop a new and more realistic model in which only a constant fraction of communication lines can be accessed by an adversary, but on the other hand the number of messages does not need to be high and the preferences of the users are taken into account. For this model, they prove that with high probability a good level of unlinkability (expressed as variation distance between certain probability distributions) is obtained after O(log^5 m) steps of the onion protocol where m is the number of messages sent. In this paper we improve these results: we show that the same level of unlinkability is obtained with high probability already after O(log m) steps of the onion protocol. Asymptotically, this is the best result possible. On top of that, our analysis is much simpler. It is based on path coupling technique for showing rapid mixing of Markov chains.