Private Information Retrieval with a Trusted Hardware Unit -- Revisited Lukasz Krzywiecki, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Hubert Misztela, Tomasz Struminski Wroclaw University of Technology During ISC'2008 Yanjiang Yang, Xuhua Ding, Robert H. Deng, and Feng Bao presented a construction for holding an encrypted database in a cloud so that the access pattern remains hidden. The scheme is based on a trusted hardware unit. The unit serves as an interface between the owner of the database and the untrusted environment where the encrypted database is stored. The scheme is relatively efficient and has some provable privacy properties. In this paper we analyze the idealized version of the above protocol and prove rigorously strong privacy conditions in a model with a powerful adversary observing all operations occurring in the cloud. On the other hand, we show that the full version of the protocol (with some implementation details), as proposed at ISC'2008, leaks some information about the access pattern. This shows that the protocol does not fulfil the property of ideally private information retrieval. At some specific situations, information leakage presented might have practical value for the adversary.