Forward-secure Key Evolution Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks ** M.Klonowski, M.Kutylowski, (Wroclaw University of Technology) M.Ren, K.Rybarczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan) We consider a key distribution scheme for securing node-to-node communication in sensor networks. While most schemes in use are based on random predistribution, we consider a system of dynamic pairwise keys based on design due to Ren, Tanmoy and Zhou. We design and analyze a variation of this scheme, in which capturing a node does not lead to security threats for the past communication. Instead of bit-flipping, we use a pseudorandom one-way function. While this immediately guarantees forward-security, it is not clear whether the pseudorandom transformation of the keys does not lead to security problems through a potentially reduced size of the keyspace or nonuniform probability distribution of the keys. We show, in a rigid mathematical way, that this is not the case: after a relatively small number of transformations, with high probability each key can be reached and no key has probability significantly higher than for the uniform distribution. *The 6th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS) 2007 To appear in LNCS, Springer-Verlag