Anonymous Key Distribution Jacek Cichon, Lukasz Krzywiecki, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Pawel Wlaz We consider distribution of encryption keys in pay-per-view systems. The communication from the sender to the users is done through a single broadcast channel. The protection mechanism is based upon encrypting the broadcast with a symmetric key that has been distributed only to the users that are currently ``logged in'' (that is, those who are paying for the information transmitted). In such systems the major problem is updating the key when the set of users changes. We pursue two goals: communication related to a change of the encryption key should be kept as small as possible. The second goal is unrevealing information about users behavior. Most systems proposed so far disregard this issue and allow tracing preferences of the users by somebody who is also logged in. We present a procedure for distributing a new key in environments where the set of users changes rapidly. Our scheme is based on balanced allocation algorithms. The scheme is simple, easy to implement, and provides both anonymity and small communication overhead. An improvement is achieved for practical parameter size.