Computing average value in ad hoc networks Miroslaw Kutylowski and Daniel Letkiewicz We consider an single-hop sensor network with Theta(N) stations using R independent communication channels. Communication between the stations can fail at random or be scrambled by an adversary so that it cannot be distinguished from a random noise. Assume that each station S_i holds an integer value T_i. The problem that we consider is to replace the values T_i by their average (rounded to integer values). A typical situation is that we have a local sensor network that needs to make a decision based on the values read by sensors by computing the average value or some kind of voting. We design a protocol that solves this problem in O(N/R \cdot \log N) steps. The protocol is robust: a constant random fraction of messages can be lost (by communication channel failure, by action of an adversary or by synchronization problems). Also a constant fraction of stations may go down (or be destroyed by an adversary) without serious consequences for the rest. The algorithm is well suited for dynamic systems, for which the values T_i may change and the protocol once started works forever. Keywords: mobile computing, radio network, sensor network