Onion Routing Based On Universal Re--Encryption Immune Against Repetitive Attack Marcin Gomulkiewicz, Marek Klonowski, Miroslaw Kutylowski Onion-Routing is one of the major techniques providing anonymous communication in computer networks. To some extent, it provides security against traffic analysis by a passive adversary. However, it seems to be highly vulnerable to attacks of an active adversary. For instance, the adversary may perform a simple so--called repetitive attack: a malicious server sends the same massage twice, then the adversary traces places where the same message appears twice -- revealing the route of the original message. Repetitive attack was examined for mix--networks, however no countermeasure designed for them can be used in the case of onion--routing. In this paper we propose an ``onion-like'' design based on universal re-encryption. The onions constructed in this way can be used in a protocol that achieves the same goals as the classical onion routing. However, at the same time we achieve immunity against repetitive attack. Even if a malicious server may disturb communication and prevent processing of a message somewhere on the onion path, it is easy to identify the malicious server performing the attack and to provide an evidence of its illegal behaviour.