Distributed stochastic processes for generating random permutations Artur Czumaj, Przemyslawa Kanarek, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Krzysztof Lorys Protocols of mixing items in distributed and parallel systems belong to the most important and most frequently used in algorithmic and system applications. In this paper we analyze various stochastic processes for generating almost uniformly random permutations in such systems. All our protocols are very simple and base on performing disjoint transpositions executed in parallel. The challenging problem of our concern is to prove that the output configurations in our processes reach almost uniform probability distribution very rapidly, i.e. in a (low) polylogarithmic time. For the analysis of the aforementioned protocols we develop a novel technique, called delayed path coupling, for proving rapid mixing of Markov chains. Our approach is an extension of the path coupling method of Bubley and Dyer. We apply delayed path coupling to three stochastic processes for generating random permutations. For one process, we apply standard (though non-trivial) coupling arguments, for the second one we construct a non-Markovian coupling, and for the third one we prove the existence of a non-Markovian coupling. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first non-trivial applications of non-Markovian coupling for proving rapid mixing of Markov chains. We apply our analysis in diverse areas. We develop a simple permutation network of a polylogarithmic depth generating permutations with almost uniform distribution. A simple EREW PRAM algorithm generating random permutations in time O(loglog n) with O(n log^O(1) n) processors follows. We improve technique of cryptographic defense against traffic analysis by showing that the underlying stochastic process converges in time O(log n) (instead of polylogarithmic time) and thereby dramatically reduce the size of a security parameter. Other applications include load sharing in distributed systems, design of fault resistant systems, and parallel algorithms generating random permutations for models with restricted concurrent writes/reads.