Collusion Resistant Anonymous Broadcast Encryption Scheme based on PUF Lukasz Krzywiecki and Miroslaw Kutylowski Wroclaw University of Technology In the paper we describe a broadcast encryption system with a revocation protocol, where security is based not on cryptographic hardness of some algebraic problem, but on PUF (Physical Unclonable Function). The advantage of our scheme is that it is immune to advances of cryptography (which may suddenly ruin any system depending solely of cryptographic assumptions). It is resilient to collusion attacks, which are often in practice the Achilles' heel of schemes based on cryptography. It provides a high level of privacy protection of the users. On the downside, it requires memory cards as well as time consuming initialization of PUFs. Security of the scheme is based on the assumption of randomness of PUF's output and their unclonability (or a high cost of manufacturing clones). accepted for TRUST'2011, Pittsburgh to appear in LNCS