A Practical Voting Scheme with Receipts Marek Klonowski, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Anna Lauks, Filip Zagorski Chaum introduced Visual Voting scheme in which a voter obtains a paper receipt from a voting machine. This receipt can be used to verify that his vote was counted in the final tally, but cannot be used for vote selling. The Chaum's system requires sophisticated printers and application of randomized partial checking (RPC) method. RPC provides provable anonymity and for good information hiding requires O(1) step of protocol executed by different tallying authorities. Unfortunately this constant is quite high quite so quite many tallying authorities are required. We propose a complete design of a voting system that preserves advantages of the Chaum's scheme, but eliminates the use of special printers and RPC. It seems that in our protocol it is easier then for any other election scheme to convince an average voter that a voting machine does not cheat and that his vote has been counted in the final tally.