Course code


Kind of studies

Computer Science MSc;

Course title

Advanced Topics in Computer Security

First name, surname and title of the lecturer/supervisor

prof. dr hab Mirosław Kutyłowski

First name, surname and title of the team's members

Mirosław Kutyłowski, prof dr hab.

Course structure

Form of class Lecture Problems classes Laboratory Project Seminar Number of points
Number of hours/week 2 3
Course grade based on Test


MAP8168 or INP7754 or INP5703

Course description

The aim of the course is presenting the latest advances in computer security technologies and theory. In particular, it may concern recent advances in PKI technologies, privacy protection in computer systems, security in mobile systems and ad hoc networks, digitla signatures.


Contents of particular hours Number of hours
1. To be announced before starting the course.

Material for self preparation

Basic literature

1. To be announced.

Additional literature

1. LNCS proceedings.

Conditions required for a student to pass the course
