All lectures, practical classes and laboratories are online
- Lecture - Thursday 17:05 - MS Teams link
- Practical class (security) - Thursday/TP 18:55 -
MS Teams link
- Practical class (algo) - Thursday/TN 18:55 -
MS Teams link
- Laboratory (security) - Thursday/TN 13:15 -
MS Teams link
- Laboratory (algo) - Wednesday/TN 15:15 -
MS Teams link
- Laboratory (algo) - Wednesday/TP 15:15 -
MS Teams link
Lecture Materials
Slides and files conected to lectures will be available on MS Teams in the group related to the lecture - MS Teams link
Practical classes
- Before start of each practical class you should send me an e-mail with declaration,
which exercises (that have not been presented before) you are ready to present during class.
The subject of e-mail should only contain exercise numbers separated by commas.
- If you declare an exercise you should be prepared to explain it via MS Teams.
Typically you should share your pdf file and carefully explain the reasoning steps.
- By deafult you get max points for each declared exercise, where max is the number of points provided in the exercise list.
If you send me a declaration and you won't be present in MS Teams or you won't be able to explain any of declared exercises,
your whole declaration won't be taken into account .
- If you show an exceptional lack of understanding of a declared exercise, you may lose all points obtained so far.
- You get the points by presenting solutions to exercises via MS Teams.
- Solutions sholud be presented before the given deadline.
- Each started week of dealy cost you 5 points.
Finall grade
- Grade from practical class P and grade from laboratory L depends on the percentage of points you get:
Points |
[0%, 50%) |
[50%, 60%) |
[60%, 70%) |
[70%, 80%) |
[80%, 90%) |
[90%, 100%) |
100% |
Grade P |
2.0 |
3.0 |
3.5 |
4.0 |
4.5 |
5.0 |
5.5 |
Grade L |
2.0 |
3.0 |
3.5 |
4.0 |
4.5 |
5.0 |
5.5 |
- Finall grade F depends on P and L.
Namely, if P < 3 or L < 3 then F = 2, else F = (P+L)/2 .
- F is rounded to the nearest formally possible grade. In the case of ambiguity F is rounded up.