Strona główna Moje zajęcia

Diploma Seminar

The seminar is intended for students of Big Data Analytics at WPPT. It takes place on Mondays between - (room 215 / D1).

Koniec strony
$ \def\RR{\mathbb{R}} \def\QQ{\mathbb{Q}} \def\ZZ{\mathbb{Z}} \def\NN{\mathbb{N}} $

Tasks to be carried out

  1. 30.03.2020: sketch of work with basic literature; we should have a fairly well (precisely) written preface

Master thesis template

  1. Preface: here we have a brief overview of the purpose of the work, basic literature, techniques and tools used
  2. Introduction: this can be a historical introduction, you can describe the motivation, main applications of the discussed methods
  3. Chapter 1: here we start work
  4. ... (if you want to put some algorithms here, just use pseudo-codes)
  5. Chapter n
  6. Summary: what was done; what can be done in the future
  7. Appendixes
    1. Appendix 1 (here you can place the source codes of the procedures you are particularly proud of)
    2. ...
    3. Appendix m
    4. Bibliography: we use the bibtex format (we use an external file with a description of the bibliography)

Comments on the formatting of a master's thesis

  1. We watch out for "hanging chapters / subsections": each chapter and subsection must begin with a short introduction
  2. Formatting formulas and mathematical formulas:
    1. bad: $(\forall_x)\phi(x)$; correct: $(\forall x)\phi(x)$
    2. bad: $(\forall x,y\in A) x\cdot y = y \cdot x$; correct: $(\forall x,y\in A)(x\cdot y = y \cdot x)$


Strona główna Moje zajęcia