Ćwiczenia prowadzone do wykładu prof. Wojciecha Mydlarczyka. Więcej informacji (w szczególności literaturę, listy zadań i zasady zaliczenia) tutaj
Ćwiczenia odbywają się w poniedziałki od godziny 7.30 do godziny 9.00 w budynku C-7, sala 202.
Egzaminy poprawkowe sprawdzone, na mojej stronie są już oceny z wykładu, raczej prof. Mydlarczyk powinien policzyć tak samo :)
Poniżej lista z punktami z aktywności oraz kolokwiów a także ostateczne oceny (aktualizacja 3.02.18r.)
Laboratory classes for prof. Marek Klonowski lectures. More info here.
Suggested languages: Ada, Go, Rust - but if you have any other idea, do not hesitate :)
I have graded the assignments you've submitted so far, if I missed anyone, please mail me :)
Moreover, those who have submitted all three assignments were given proposed grade (this will basically be the final grade unless you have any objections).
Below list with results (24.01.18)
Find spanning tree of a graph in a distributed way. In other words, for each node v we want: Input: list of v neighbours Output: list of v children and its parent (could be v if it is the root of tree) Graph on output should be spanning tree of input graph G. You should also know (and be able to explain) what is the time and communication complexity of your solution :)
Implement leader election algorithm on the ring topology network with n processors. For each node v: Input: list of v neighbours Output: id of the chosen leader Obviously there can be only one leader and the protocol should be distributed. You should also know what is the expected time complexity of this protocol, communication complexity etc.
Implement Lamport's bakery algorithm. See for example here