Embedded Security Systems
(Email me if you are happy with this grade and will not come on monday.)
When: Thursday 13:15-15:00 (lab)
Friday: 7:30 - 9:00 (lecture)
Where: 317.2 (D-1) (lab)
321 (A-1) (lecture)
Exam: 26.06.2017 11-13 room 321(A-1)
second trial: 03.07.2017 11-13 room 321(A-1)
Internal Materials (access only for students): link
See course card
Laboratory 1
Laboratory 2
Laboratory 3
Laboratory 4 (can be helpful for smartcardio with CREF simulator: link, HINT: Running CREF in Eclipse blocks the port, run CREF using command line)
Laboratory 5
Laboratory 6 (last tasks)
Update: Students that receive 600 points from laboratories are exempt from the exam and will receive the grade 5.0. In order to receive the grade 5.5, they have to write the exam and fulfill the below requirements.
- The final grade is determined by:
half of the number of points got for laboratory (up to 50)
half of the number of points during written exam (up to 50)
The following scale applies:
[40,50) - 3.0
[50,60 ) - 3.5
[60,70 ) - 4
[70,80 ) - 4.5
[80,95 ) - 5
95 suffices for 5.5 grade.
For written exam the following grades
apply for each question:
completed - complete and correct answer, some insignificant errors or gaps are tolerated
partially solved - problem solved, but with some gaps and non-critical errors,
unsolved - otherwise
The tests will check understanding, skills and ability of problem solving. Each test will be a short problem (almost a test question) that will demand certain creativity. It is not necessary to remember details of algorithms, protocols, technical manuals, ... but it will be necessary to understand them. Usually, the details which are hard to remember, will be recalled on the question sheet. It will be allowed to use any materials on paper (books, notices, ...) electronic devices in flight mode are also admitted.
There will be 7 lists with problems to solve on laboratories.
From each one you can receive 100 percentages in total. The final number of point from laboratories is the average number of percentages from all 7 lists multiplied by 50 points, e.g. you received 100, 40, 60, 55, 100, 100, 0 percentages from all 7 lists, the average of those values is 65% and you receive 65% * 50 = 32.5 points from laboratories.
half of the number of points got for laboratory (up to 50)
half of the number of points during written exam (up to 50)
The following scale applies:
[40,50) - 3.0
[50,60 ) - 3.5
[60,70 ) - 4
[70,80 ) - 4.5
[80,95 ) - 5
95 suffices for 5.5 grade.
completed - complete and correct answer, some insignificant errors or gaps are tolerated
partially solved - problem solved, but with some gaps and non-critical errors,
unsolved - otherwise