- Born in Wroclaw, 1979.
- Master degree in mathematics in 2003
- Master degree in computer science in 2007
- Ph.D. in computer scicnce (information security) from Adam Mickieiewicz University (in Poznan) in 2005 li>
- Ph.D. in mathematics (applied probability) from Wroclaw University of Technology in 2009 li>
- Habilitation (distributed computing) in computer scicnce
from Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences in 2012.
I work at Wroclaw University of Technology since 2003. Currently I am an associate professor.
Professional achievements:
Some description in Polish can be found here
Reserach interests:
- (Analysis of) Algorithms
- Randomized Algorithms
- Distributed Algorithms (Ad Hoc Networks)
- Applied Cryptography
(Privacy, MIXes, Digital Signatures) - Probability Theory
(Discreet stochastic processes, concentration of probability)
Some key-words:
Bloom filters, MIXes, Markov Chains, Sensor networks, Indistinguishability, Anonymity, Privacy, Random Structures
In the future:
I have already some expirience in Analytic Combinatorics and Information Theory
In the past:
In the past co-authored some papers about e-voting protocols and p2p networks