Łukasz Krzywiecki

Department of Fundamentals of Computer Science, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Contact Teaching Research Activity
Technical Program Committee
  1. International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience. ISPEC 2023.
  2. IFIP TC-11 SEC 2023 International Information Security and Privacy Conference. IFIPSEC 2023.
  3. International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience. ISPEC 2022.
  4. Number-Theoretic Methods in Cryptology. NuTMiC 2021.
  5. International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptology and Machine Learning. CSCML 2021.
  6. IFIP TC-11 SEC 2021 International Information Security and Privacy Conference. IFIPSEC 2021.
  7. IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. IFIPSEC 2020.
  8. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security. NTMS 2019.
  9. International Conference on Information Security and Privacy Protection. IFIPSEC 2018.
  10. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security. NTMS 2018.
  11. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Informatics. ICACCI2016.
  12. International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Technology. ICMWT2016
  13. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security. NTMS 2016.
  14. International Conference on Computing and Network Communications. CoCoNet 2015.
  15. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security. NTMS 2015.
  16. International Workshop on Access Control Policies, Models and Mechanisms. ACPM 2014.
  17. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security. NTMS 2014.
  18. Self-organizing, Autonomic and Opportunistic Networks. SSS 2013.
  19. Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium. ICC 2007.
Journal reviews
  1. Computers & Security. Elsevier. (2021).
  2. Sensors. MDPI. (2021).
  3. Vehicular Communications. Elsevier. (2021).
  4. Sensors. MDPI. (2020).
  5. Computers & Security. Elsevier. (2020).
  6. Applied Sciences. MDPI. (2020).
  7. Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier. (2020).
  8. Security and Communication Networks. Wiley/Hindawi. (2019).
  9. IET Information Security. (2019).
  10. Sensors. MDPI. (2019).
  11. Vehicular Communications. Elsevier. (2018).
  12. IEEE Wireless Communications. IEEE Communications Society. (2018).
  13. Sensors. MDPI. (2018).
  14. Cryptography. MDPI. (2018).
  15. Sensors. MDPI. (2017).
  16. The Computer Journal. Oxford University Press. (2016).
  17. Fundamenta Informaticae. IOS Press. (2014).
Reviewer Board
  1. Future Internet. MDPI.
  2. Cryptography. MDPI.
  3. Sensors. MDPI.
Conference reviews
  1. IFIPSEC 2023.
  2. ISPEC 2023.
  3. IFIPSEC 2022.
  4. ISPEC 2022.
  5. NuTMiC 2021.
  6. CSCML 2021.
  7. IFIPSEC 2021.
  8. IFIPSEC 2020.
  9. NTMS 2019.
  10. IFIPSEC 2018.
  11. NTMS 2018.
  12. ISPEC 2017.
  13. ICACCI2016.
  14. ICMWT2016.
  15. NTMS 2016.
  16. ASIACCS 2015.
  17. CoCoNet 2015.
  18. NTMS 2015.
  19. ProvSec 2014.
  20. ESORICS 2014.
  21. ACPM 2014.
  22. NTMS 2014.
  23. ESORICS 2013.
  24. ICALP 2013.
  25. SSS 2013.
  26. ESORICS 2012.
  27. ACNS2012.
  28. RFIDsec'11 Asia.
  29. WISTP 2011.
  30. IMACC 2011.
  31. ICC 2007.