Mirosław Kutyłowski
- Professor of Computer Science at Wrocław University of Technology
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Teaching materials
spring 2016
Schedule of topics:
talk 2
: Attacks against smartphones
talk 3
: Anonimization and deanonymization techniques
talk 4
: Cloud storage security
talk 5
: Power grid security
talk 6
: Exploits for binary code, security of Web applications
talk 7
: Software watermarking
talk 8
: Firewalls
talk 9
talk 10
when: each Tuesday, 9:15-11:00,
where: D1, room 215
Seminar idea:
each student presents a self-contained talk (lecture) on a chosen topic
the talk has to present the current state-of-the-art
slides are not required (even are not recommended, except for pictures, illustration material, etc.)
expected time of the presentation: 3x45 minutes
Evaluation criteria:
choice of the presented material
quality of presentation (clear argument, elimination of unnecessary details, ...)
added value for the listeners
Some topics proposed:
cyber-physical security of industrial plants
intrusion detection startegies
firewall configuration strategies
power grid security
cyber physical security in automotive systems
vehicles coordination and security
attacks against smartphones
security of cloud storage,
Certificates - the recent trends
Malware detection
binary code analysis
broadcast encryption
https, TLS, ... security
wireless channel security
software watermarking
social networks security
anonimization. deanonymization
exploits of binary code, security of Web applications