COMPUTER SECURITY - Master Program in Computer Science at Wroclaw University of Technology Home page

Cooperation Partners and Rules

Current main partners

+ Wroclaw University of Technology has signed a contract with National Cryptology Centre, a unit within the Ministry of Defense. We agreed to cooperate in the field of education of cryptology and R&D.
State security : oportunities to develop security technologies for the use in defence systems

+ REC Global is our industrial partner for security solutions regarding embedded systems, smart cards and other ``hardcore'' security devices.
Embedded systems security, smart cards : Potential employer for students interested in the most advanced embedded security techologies.

+ IBM is our industrial partner for security services on a global market. Wroclaw IBM Center has been rapidly growing over the last few years, meeting the demands of the rapidly growing market. Security Operations Center (SOC) located in Wroclaw is one of 12 locations around the world, the 2nd biggest one and covering globally all MSS operations.
Operational security : Potential employer for students interested in job in leading corporations offering security cervices.

+ Huawei has started cooperation with us, e.g. over the past years. within the competition "Huawei Seeds for the Future", where two our students have been awarded for Master Dissertations on security and privacy protection.
Mobile communication security : Huawei is a potential employer, especially for security solutions and personal data protection within mobile communication technologies.

Further cooperation with IT companies

+ We are open for cooperation with IT companies active in the field of computer security. In particular, student internships and other career opportunities are sought. On the other hand, we make efforts to provide training that is suited for market demand.

The cooperation might be:
+ informal: you may provide your opinions, feedback, offers for student internships etc
+ experienced staff: you may help to keep us up to date with industrial practice by providing experts that would work as contract lecturers - experts from industry
+ formal: such as joint projects etc. where the cooperation is based on legal contracts.

Cooperation with external educational institutions and international programs

The following international parters are interested in cooperation including in particular student internships and exchange programs for our students:
+ CISPA (Center for IT-Security, Privacy, and Accountability) of Saarland University and Max Planck Institut für Informatik

+ Xidian University in Xi'an. Xi'an is the ancient capital city of China, one of the main interest points in China regarding historical monuments. It is particularly famous for Terracotta Army.
Students interested for exchange programs may attend Chinese language courses offered for our students and faculty by Confucius Institute. The courses are free for the students.