COMPUTER SECURITY - Master Program in Computer Science at Wroclaw University of Technology Home page


+ Our team has signed an agreement with the university administration on joint development of security technologies regarding privacy protection and authentication.
According to our plans master student will be involved in developing new technologies and products in this area.

+ Our cooperation project with Xidian University, Xi'an, China on security in cloud has been selected by joint Polish-Chinese ministerial commission for realization in the next two years. Xidian is a top rank university in China regarding telecommunication and computer science.
Our goal is to develop pragmatic cryptographic solutions aiming to improve security of cloud technology. Our partner is Professor Xiaofeng Chen, one of the leading young security and cryptography researchers in China.

+ Lucjan Hanzlik joined a 3 month visit in IBM Research Zurich as Great Mind Competition Awardee.

+ ESORICS 2014 (19th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security) has been hosted by our team.