COMPUTER SECURITY - Master Program in Computer Science at Wroclaw University of Technology Home page

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Supplementary courses Language courses Formal documents

Semester 1, Courses:

Course Code Course Title Lectures Exercises Laboratories Course Description
E2_I03 Cryptography 2 2 2 Doc
E2_BI01 System Security I 2 2 2 Doc
E2_BI02 Embedded Security Systems 2 - 2 Doc
E2_BI03 Compliance and Operational Security 2 2 Doc
Supplementary course 1 details
Language course 1 details
*The Lecture/Exercise/Laboratories are given in hours per week
+ The courses Cryptography (E2_I03), System Security (E2_BI01), Embedded Security Systems (E2_BI02) and Compliance and Operational Security (E2_BI03) are compulsory.

+ The course "Supplementary course 1" can be chosen freely from the list of such courses available during each term. The selection of offered courses is done after consultation with the students and based on market orientation.

+ The language courses can to be chosen freely from the list of courses offered by Wroclaw University of Technology. (The list contains Polish as a foreign language).