COMPUTER SECURITY - Master Program in Computer Science at Wroclaw University of Technology Home page

Key informations for foreign students

+ Our Computer Security Master Program is intended both for Polish students as well as for foreigners willing to study in our country.
+ For Polish citizens and Polish nationals holding so called "Karta Polaka" there is no tuition -- the standard rules of public universities apply.
+ For students that do not come from EU/EFTA countries there is a fixed tuition fee determined by the state authorities. In Sept. 2014 it was 4000 EUR a year (two terms) at master level (hence 6000EUR in total plus 200EUR application fee).
+ For exchange students other rules may apply, please check at your home university if we have any agreement.

+ Many detailed data about studying in Wroclaw, costs of living etc. are available at the webpage of the International Students Recruitment office.

+ We are an internationally oriented team. Apart from English, we speak German (4+ persons). Some of us learn Mandarin Chinese.