COMPUTER SECURITY - Master Program in Computer Science at Wroclaw University of Technology Home page

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Supplementary courses Language courses Formal documents

+ The following list is a pool of lectures that have either been offered (and can be repeated) or are planned for the near future.
+ The list should not be understood as fixed, new topics may come on demand, due to new needs of the industry, authorities and other employers, or due to current trends in computer science.
+ The security oriented courses are in boldface.
+ Highly recommended is is Group Programming Project, where typically the students develop together a solution. The instructor plays the role of a malicious client.

Supplementary Courses:

Code Course Title Lectures Exercises Laboratories Course Description
E2_W14 Data Mining 2 1 1 Doc
E2_W15 Applied Stochastic with Applications for Security and Privacy 2 2 Doc
E2_W16 P2P Networks 2 2 Doc
E2_W17 VLSI Systems 2 2 Doc
E2_W18 Digital Signal Processing 2 2 Doc
E2_W20 Introduction to Electronics for Security Engineers 2 2 Doc
E2_W21 Physics for security engineers 2 1 1 Doc
E2_W22 Randomized Algorithms 2 2 Doc
E2_W24 Humane-Machine Interaction 2 2 Doc
E2_W25 Identification Systems 2 2 Doc
E2_W26 Monographic Lecture 2 2 Doc
E2_W27 Group Programming Project 2 2 Doc
E2_W28 High Performance Computing 2 2 Doc
E2_W19 Introduction to Wireless Telecommunication Systems 2 2 Doc
E2_W01 On-Line Algorithms 2 1 1 Doc
E2_W02 Approximation algorithms 2 1 1 Doc
E2_W04 Distributed Algorithms 2 1 1 Doc
E2_W07 Constraints technology 2 2 Doc
E2_W08 Numerical algebra 2 2 Doc
E2_W09 Programming in Logic 2 2 Doc
E2_W11 Declarative Programming 2 2 Doc
E2_W12 Ad Hoc Systems 2 2 Doc
E2_W13 Databases 1 1 2 Doc
*The Lecture/Exercise/Laboratories are given in hours per week